Akwa Ibom Postcode

Ibiono Ibom LGA Postal/Zip Codes (Akwa Ibom State)

Ibiono Ibom Local Government Area (LGA) of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria has 6 districts which use different postcode.

Here are the postcodes for Ibono Ibom LGA:


Locations within Ikpanya use the same code:

Akani Obio520119
Esit Ikpanya520119
Ikot Adaha520119
Ikot Ukobo520119
Mbak Unoh520119

Southern Ibiono

Locations within Southern Ibiono, Ibiono Ibom LGA use different postal/zip codes.

Nkin Ibiono520115
Obio Ibiono520115
Okobo Ibiono520115
Use Ikot Ekop520115
Miakpan Ikot Edem520115
Afaha Obio Eno520115
Ikot Ada Idem520115
Ikot Akpabio520115
Ikot Ambang520115
Ikot Ekpo Obio520115
Ikot Enyin520115
Ikot Obio Ama520115
Ikot Osukpong520115
Ikot Ukana520115
Ikot Ukpong520115
Ikpa Ibiono520115
Mbiabam Ibiono520115
Mbiakpan Atan520115

Ibiono I

Locations within Ibiono I, Ibiono Ibom LGA use different postal/zip codes. Check the table below carefully for your location and its exact code.

Itu Akan520116
Obot Oko520118
Use Ikot-Amama520118
Itu Andem520117
Obot Ukana520116
Use Ndon520116
Itu Atai520116
Obot Ukim520118
Usuk Aka520114
Itu Udo520116
Obot Ukim Ntan Mbat520118
Usuk Ibiaku520116
Odoro Aka520114
Usuk Ntan Ekere520117
Odung Etem520116
Mbiabong Ekoi520116
Oko Ita520117
Mbiakpan Ididep520118
Okobo Aka520118
Ikot Utiat Ono520118
Ndo Ndem520117
Ikot Uwa520118
Ndoro Obot520116
Ikpa Ikot Enuen520116
Nkwa Ibiono520116
Oku Obom520116
Ikpa Ikot Ubo520116
Nkwa Ikot Ekwong520118
Osuk Ntan520117
Ikpa Ikot Uneke520117
Nsai Use520118
Udioho Ntan Ekere520117
Obot Afia520118
Inwun Use520118
Obot Afia Idoro520118
Urua Abasi Umoh520118
Itai Idoro520118
Obot Enang Ntan Mbat520114
Use Ikot Odiong520116
Ikot Inyang Ididep520117
Ikot Obong520114
Ikot Udo Ukana Ono520118
Ikot Mbuk520116
Ikot Odiong520114
Ikot Udom520116
Ikot Mkpebe520118
Ikot Odiong Use520116
Ikot Ukana520117
Ikot Nko Ididep520114
Ikot Odubo Ono520118
Ikot Ukpong520117
Ikot Nkpo520116
Ikot Okpoho520118
Ikot Ukporo520118
Ikot Ntung520117
Ikot Okpot520114
Ikot Unike520117
Ikot Essien Ididep520114
Ikot Nya Ono520118
Ikot Onwen520114
Ikot Use-Idoro520118
Ikot Essiet520117
Ikot Obio Akpan520117
Ikot Onwong Ididep520117
Ikot Usen520116
Ikot Eto Idoro520118
Ikot Obio Asa520117
Ikot Uba520117
Ikot Ette520117
Ikot Obio Eyen520116
Ikot Ubo Mbiabong520118
Ikot Idaha520118
Ikot Obio-Afaha520118
Ikot Ubo Ono520118
Ikot Ide Ono520118
Ikot Obio-Edep520116
Ikot Ubong Obio Eno520117
Ikot Idem Nten Ebere520117
Ikot Obio-Okon520116
Ikot Udo520114
Ikot Inyang520114
Ikot Obo520117
Ikot Udo Effum520117
Ikot Inyang Ekpene520116
Ikot Obo Idoro520118
Ikot Udo Ibiono520116
Ikot Inyang Eno520118
Ikot Obom Idere520118
Ikot Udo Obuk520114
Ikot Abia Idoro520118
Ikot Andia520116
Ikot Ekpot520114
Ikot Akpa-Idang520114
Ikot Ankit520117
Ikot Ekwere520117
Ikot Akpabio Ididep520114
Ikot Antia520114
Ikot Ekwo520118
Ikot Akpan520114
Ikot Antia Ididep520118
Ikot Esidem520118
Ikot Akpan Abasi520116
Ikot Antia-Idoro520118
Ikot Esifa520118
Ibaiku Ikot-Oku Ekim520117
Ikot Akpan Nya I520114
Ikot Atim520114
Ikot Eso520117
Ibiaku Ikot Udom520118
Ikot Akpan Obong520114
Ikot Ebom520117
Ibiaku Inyang Isong520116
Ikot Akpan Uso Ono520118
Ikot Edet520116
Ikot Akpan-Atai520116
Ikot Edo Ididep520114
Ikot Akpan-Nya520114
Ikot Edok520114
Ididep Usuk520118
Ikot Akpan-Okpon Ono520118
Ikot Edung520117
Ikot Amba520116
Ikot Efim520118
Ikot Ambit520116
Ikot Eko520114
Ikot Aba520117
Ikot Anan520116
Ikot Ekpe520118
Ikot Abasi Inyang520118
Ikot Anang520116
Ikot Ekpene520117
Ikot Abia Aka520118
Ikot Andem520114
Ikot Ekpenyong520117
Abat Use Abat520114
Ekim Ibiaku Omu520118
Afaha Ikot Adaha520116
Ekio Idoro520118
Afaha Ise Ono520118
Afaha Itiat520114
Afaha Nsai520116
Afaha Utuat520116
Aka Ikot Abasi520118
Aka Ikot Udo Eno520118
Akpan Ikot Udu520118
Atan Nsai520116
Atna Aya520116
Awat Nkang520116
Edem Idim520116
Edem Urua520117

Ibiono II

Locations within Ibiono II use different codes. Check the table below carefully to find your location and its exact postal code.

Mbiabong Ekoi520116
Mbiakpan Ididep520118
Ndo Ndem520117
Oku Obom520116
Ndoro Obot520116
Osuk Ntan520117
Nkwa Ibiono520116
Udioho Ntan Ekere520117
Nkwa Ikot Ekwong520118
Nsai Use520118
Urua Abasi Umoh520118
Obot Afia520118
Use Ikot Odiong520116
Obot Afia Idoro520118
Use Ikot-Amama520118
Inwun Use520118
Obot Oko520118
Use Ndon520116
Itai Idoro520118
Obot Ukana520116
Usuk Ibiaku520116
Itu Akan520116
Obot Ukim520118
Usuk Ntan Ekere520117
Itu Andem520117
Obot Ukim Ntan Mbat520118
Itu Atai520116
Odung Etem520116
Itu Udo520116
Oko Ita520117
Okobo Aka520118
Ikot Inyang Ekpene520116
Ikot Obom Idere520118
Ikot Unike520117
Ikot Inyang Eno520118
Ikot Odiong Use520116
Ikot Use-Idoro520118
Ikot Inyang Ididep520117
Ikot Odubo Ono520118
Ikot Usen520116
Ikot Mbuk520116
Ikot Okpoho520118
Ikot Utiat Ono520118
Ikot Mkpebe520118
Ikot Onwong Ididep520117
Ikot Uwa520118
Ikot Nkpo520116
Ikot Uba520117
Ikpa Ikot Enuen520116
Ikot Ekwo520118
Ikot Ntung520117
Ikot Ubo Mbiabong520118
Ikpa Ikot Ubo520116
Ikot Esidem520118
Ikot Nya Ono520118
Ikot Ubo Ono520118
Ikpa Ikot Uneke520117
Ikot Esifa520118
Ikot Obio Akpan520117
Ikot Ubong Obio Eno520117
Ikot Eso520117
Ikot Obio Asa520117
Ikot Udo Effum520117
Ikot Essiet520117
Ikot Obio Eyen520116
Ikot Udo Ibiono520116
Ikot Eto Idoro520118
Ikot Obio-Afaha520118
Ikot Udo Ukana Ono520118
Ikot Ette520117
Ikot Obio-Edep520116
Ikot Udom520116
Ikot Idaha520118
Ikot Obio-Okon520116
Ikot Ukana520117
Ikot Ide Ono520118
Ikot Obo520117
Ikot Ukpong520117
Ikot Idem Nten Ebere520117
Ikot Obo Idoro520118
Ikot Ukporo520118
Ekio Idoro520118
Ikot Akpan Abasi520116
Ikot Edung520117
Ikot Akpan Obong520117
Ikot Efim520118
Ikot Akpan Uso Ono520118
Ikot Ekpe520118
Ikot Akpan-Atai520116
Ikot Ekpene520117
Afaha Utuat520116
Ibaiku Ikot-Oku Ekim520117
Ikot Akpan-Okpon Ono520118
Ikot Ekpenyong520117
Ibiaku Ikot Udom520118
Ikot Amba520116
Ikot Ekwere520117
Aka Ikot Abasi520118
Ibiaku Inyang Isong520116
Ikot Ambit520116
Aka Ikot Udo Eno520118
Ikot Anan520116
Ikot Anang520116
Akpan Ikot Udu520118
Ididep Usuk520118
Ikot Andia520116
Atan Nsai520116
Ikot Ankit520117
Atna Aya520116
Ikot Antia520117
Awat Nkang520116
Ikot Aba520117
Ikot Antia Ididep520118
Edem Idim520116
Ikot Abasi Inyang520118
Ikot Antia-Idoro520118
Edem Urua520117
Ikot Abia Aka520118
Ikot Ebom520117
Ekim Ibiaku Omu520118
Ikot Abia Idoro520118
Ikot Edet520116
Abat Use Abat520116
Afaha Ikot Adaha520116
Afaha Ise Ono520118
Afaha Nsai520116

Ibiono III

Locations within Ibiono III use different codes. Check the table below carefully to know the exact one your location uses.

Ikot Udo Effum520117
Ikot Udo Ibiono520117
Mbiakpan Ididep520118
Urua Abasi Umoh520118
Ikot Udo Ukana Ono520118
Ndo Ndem520117
Use Ikot-Amama520118
Ikot Udom520117
Nkwa Ikot Ekwong520118
Usuk Ntan Ekere520117
Ikot Ukana520117
Nsai Use520118
Ikot Ukpong520117
Obot Afia520118
Ikot Ukporo520118
Obot Afia Idoro520118
Ikot Unike520117
Obot Oko520118
Ikot Use-Idoro520118
Obot Ukim520118
Ikot Utiat Ono520118
Obot Ukim Ntan Mbat520118
Ikot Uwa520118
Oko Ita520117
Ikpa Ikot Uneke520117
Okobo Aka520118
Inwun Use520118
Itai Idoro520118
Osuk Ntan520117
Ikot Ubong Obio Eno520117
Itu Andem520117
Udioho Ntan Ekere520117
Ikot Ekpe520118
Ikot Mkpebe520118
Ikot Ekpene520117
Ikot Ntung520117
Ikot Aba520117
Ikot Ekpenyong520117
Ikot Nya Ono520118
Ikot Abasi Inyang520118
Ikot Ekwere520117
Ikot Obio Akpan520117
Ikot Abia Aka520118
Ikot Ekwo520118
Ikot Obio Asa520117
Ikot Abia Idoro520118
Ikot Esidem520118
Ikot Obio-Afaha520118
Ikot Akpan Obong520117
Ikot Esifa520118
Ikot Obo520117
Ikot Akpan Uso Ono520118
Ikot Eso520117
Ikot Obo Idoro520118
Ikot Akpan-Okpon Ono520118
Ikot Essiet520117
Ikot Obom Idere520118
Ikot Ankit520117
Ikot Eto Idoro520118
Ikot Odubo Ono520118
Ikot Antia520117
Ikot Ette520117
Ikot Okpoho520118
Ikot Antia Ididep520118
Ikot Idaha520118
Ikot Onwong Ididep520117
Ikot Antia-Idoro520118
Ikot Ide Ono520118
Ikot Uba520117
Ibiaku Ikot Udom520118
Ikot Ebom520117
Ikot Idem Nten Ebere520117
Ikot Ubo Mbiabong520118
Ikot Edung520117
Ikot Inyang Eno520118
Ikot Ubo Ono520118
Ididep Usuk520118
Ikot Efim520118
Ikot Inyang Ididep520117
Afaha Ise Ono520118
Aka Ikot Abasi520118
Aka Ikot Udo Eno520118
Akpan Ikot Udu520118
Edem Urua520117
Ekim Ibiaku Omu520118
Ekio Idoro520118
Ibaiku Ikot-Oku Ekim520117

Ibiono III central

Locations within Ibiono III central use the same postal code:

Ikot Idem Nten Ebere520117
Itu Andem520117
Ikot Inyang Ididep520117
Ikot Ntung520117
Ndo Ndem520117
Ikot Obio Akpan520117
Oko Ita520117
Ikot Obio Asa520117
Osuk Ntan520117
Ikot Obo520117
Udioho Ntan Ekere520117
Ikot Onwong Ididep520117
Usuk Ntan Ekere520117
Ikot Uba520117
Ikot Ubong Obio Eno520117
Ikot Udo Effum520117
Ikot Udo Ibiono520117
Ikot Udom520117
Ikot Ekwere520117
Ikot Ukana520117
Ikot Eso520117
Ikot Ukpong520117
Ikot Essiet520117
Ikot Unike520117
Ikot Ette520117
Ikpa Ikot Uneke520117
Edem Urua520117
Ibaiku Ikot-Oku Ekim520117
Ikot Aba520117
Ikot Akpan Obong520117
Ikot Ankit520117
Ikot Antia520117
Ikot Ebom520117
Ikot Edung520117
Ikot Ekpene520117
Ikot Ekpenyong520117

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