Cross River State Postcode

Cross River State Zip Code / Postal Code

Here you’ll discover the correct postal codes/zip codes for Cross River State.

Cross River State is located in the South-South Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria. It consists of eighteen (18) Local Government Areas.

The postcode assigned to NIPOST headquarters in Cross River State is 500001. But all the cities within the state have their respective postcode, hence that of your city or specific location should be used to complete forms whenever your postal/zip code is requested.

Click on any of the LGAs in Cross River State to reveal the postal codes for towns in it:

AbiAkamkpaAkpabuyoBakassiBekwarraBiaseBokiCalabar MunicipalCalabar SouthEtungIkomObanlikuObubraObuduOdukpaniOgojaYakuurYala

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